we're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo... what about you? you? you?

the advantage of having a 'flexible' work arrangement allows me to spend as much time as possible with my little princess - she has always been my priority and will always remain as such and of course, it also means that i am free to take her anywhere, anytime! i'm actually becoming rather lazy in the photo-taking so despite the fact that we've been to quite a few places (jacob ballas children garden, gogo bambini, singapore zoological gardens, etc) we hardly have any photos to show! i really have to be more diligent in whipping out my camera! hehe...

to enjoy photos of our zoo trip, please visit aunty jane's blog

thanks to aunty leo, we had a chance to attend a playnest trial session @ julia gabriel last weekend. before attending the trial, i wondered if 1.5hrs was 'too long' for claire to sit through... and surprisingly, she did rather well and i believe that she really enjoyed herself (possibly because she took a long nap before that and thus was all recharged!). prior to this, we went for trial sessions @ Magic Fiddler (not impressed), JWT Kids Gym (very disorganised), MusikGarten (interesting but not impressive) and of course, not forgetting that we've been going to Gymboree (almost) weekly for the past few months. while i don't believe in hothousing my child(ren), seeing how much claire enjoys herself makes me wonder if i should actually enrol her in such enrichment classes. i shall continue pondering on that question for now.


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