@ week 38

its week 38 and still no sign of princess... been feeling surges on and off but definitely not regular and progressive (not according to Ginny's definitions anyway). i've moved in with my in-laws and chewy has been an absolutely devil - he's been barking every single night (no need to sleep ah?!?) and i think nobody in this household (or even the other households in the neighbourhood) has had a good night sleep. i am contemplating of moving him back home and let him stay there by himself. we could check in on him every day.

obviously since i'm getting closer to D-day... DH has 'refused' to let me go out. its thursday and i've only gone out once on my own; on tuesday, i went to do some shopping (ok ok, quite a bit of shopping, i'm not known to be a shopping queen for nothing).

my happy purchases - a exercise ball, which i'll use as a birthing ball for now. its handy to have during pregnancy, labor and beyond! see what they say about it. so instead of sitting on the bed/chair, i sit on the birthing ball @ home. i intend to bring it along to the hospital when i deliver so don't laugh @ me if i look stupid... i'm just trying to make my labor easier! here's my birthing ball. nice shade of blue eh?

i also went to the GAP store and bought these lovely pants for princess... yes, i know she has lots of clothes oredi... but, but.. look how lovely they are!

and, look what I bought @ the book sale last week... (not that it was cheaper @ the sale!)

daddy has been reading a bible story every night to princess... i suppose that's a good way to start off her 'religious' education.

no updates from the doc coz we have not seen him since two weeks' ago... he was away on a conference and his schedule this week is too packed... next appt is scheduled for 26 march. DH is hoping that princess will be ready to meet us on that day so we don't have to keep going back to RH!


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