the perfect woman

i remember when i was in school, the dear old principal used to tell us the importance of being a woman who "ru de chu fang, chu de ting tang'. loosely translated, it means a woman who is capable both at home and out (whether its working or just being the woman behind the successful man?). I used to think and believe that that was really cliche! why should a woman's place be in the kitchen/home/behind the husband? then, i felt that i wanted to be a career woman... but now that i look back, her reminder seems perfectly reasonable. would it be great to be the 'perfect woman'? to be one who is well-groomed and yet takes care of the house/family immaculately? better still, an independent who earns her own keep and can balance work/family life well. i aspire now to be someone like that and hope that our little princess will also pick up some of these traits from me.

i spent thursday sewing some pillow cases for our princess... with the excess cloth, i decided that she'll need another set of bedding so i sewed that too. yesterday, i spent some time to prepare kueh pie ti fillings for DH's friends (which incidentally, is a lot of work!). now i genuinely believe that pregnancy does drain away some of your energy coz i'm absolutely beat!! as i write this entry, i'm preparing to go for the last hypno-birthing class later this afternoon... and after that, we are 'officially' ready to welcome our princess to the family. enjoy the photos while we get ready... :)

bean sprout case pillow with new cases

another bean sprout case pillow with new cases
some of the ingredients for kueh pie ti

more ingredients and the finished product (rather, what's left of it after last night's party)

*oh, did i mentioned that i'm starting to feel surges (otherwise known as contractions) so princess' arrival might just be around the corner! *
* and yes, we're moving tomorrow! *


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