birthing #2

With God's grace & blessings, we welcome #2 to our family on 10 Aug 09 (lunar birthday: 20th day of the 6th month) - 0501hrs. Chace (meaning: Hunter) weighed 3680gm and measured 54cm at birth. see how happy Claire is, with her new sibling!

The Birth Story

I started feeling contractions around 2am on the morning on 10 Aug 09 - not knowing how regular or frequent the contractions should be, I decided to log onto the Internet to find out. I found a useful contraction timer online and used it to monitor my contractions for an hour. At 3am, I decided that I was indeed already in active labor and proceeded to wake dh up. fortunately, it was a public holiday and dh's mom was able to come over to watch Claire till morning while we headed for the hospital. by the time we reached the hospital, it was just past 3.30am. The nurse on duty did a VE for me and determined that I was 4cm dilated while dh saw to the hospital admission. Not knowing how long more I have to go and deciding then that the labor pains were already unbearable, I decided to ask for epidural. The anesthesiologist arrived around 4.15am and proceeded to insert catheter to relieve me of the pain. Shortly after, my water bag broke. The OB probably arrived just after 4.30am and after a couple of pushes, #2 was out.

Short & Sweet, isn't it... I'm glad that I did not have to be induced this time round but at the same time, disappointed that I have to depend on epidural again to relieve me of the labor pains. So my pain threshold is not as high as I thought after all...


Lizhen said…

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Lizhen said…

Would you like to share your babies/toddlers photos at the website is a consolidation of babies blogs/photos! hope to see your submission! :)

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