if you look carefully at the scan, its not a complete 'picture' of little one - he/she has grown quite a fair bit and i was told its not really possible to have a full scan of him/her from now on. the scan also showed a different position from the last time (the head was on the left side previously and now, its on the right). as he/she is very active, doc had a hard time trying to capture a clear scan. the only two measurements taken were the head circumference and thigh length, unfortunately, both numbers have now eluded me. the EDD has been pushed back a couple of days - not that its a concern since nobody i know actually gave birth on the EDD. in any case, doc is sure that little one is a bb gal but i'm not taking his words for it (yet). i've read that many times, docs were wrong in 'predicting' the gender so i really don't want to rush out now and buy all the pink frocks, only to find that i'm going to have a bb boy. :)
i have been faithfully taking my supplements in the last few weeks (although i really hate popping pills). i still feel queasy now and then, definitely still feeling exhausted (little one must be draining all my energy), occasionally bothered by a bad migraine but overall, i'm feeling pretty good. appetite is getting better and obviously, i'm getting heavier - all in all, its finally sinking in... i'm going to have a bb!
other than the normal scan, my blood was drawn (OUCH!) and urine was taken for testing. hopefully, all results come back normal. i will know the tests results on my next OB visit scheduled on 23 november - unless there's bad news then i will be informed within the next two weeks. in the meantime, please keep your fingers crossed and keep me and little one in your prayers.